#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include <draw.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <cursor.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <geometry.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" enum { Menuborder = 2, Vspace = 2, Scrollwidth = 10, Maxvisitems = 5, }; static char none[] = "none"; static void menulist_add(Menulist *ml, int id, char *title) { Mentry e = {id, title}; int ew; ml->entries = erealloc(ml->entries, ++ml->nentries * sizeof *ml->entries); ml->entries[ml->nentries-1] = e; if((ew = stringwidth(font, e.title)) > Dx(ml->r)){ ml->r.min.x = SCRW/2 - ew/2; ml->r.max.x = ml->r.min.x + ew; } if(ml->nentries > 1) ml->r.max.y += font->height+Vspace; } static void menulist_clear(Menulist *ml) { int i, w; if(ml->entries == nil) return; for(i = 0; i < ml->nentries; i++) free(ml->entries[i].title); free(ml->entries); ml->entries = nil; ml->nentries = 0; ml->filling = 0; w = max(stringwidth(font, ml->title), stringwidth(font, none)); ml->r.min.x = SCRW/2 - w/2; ml->r.max = addpt(ml->r.min, Pt(w, font->height+Vspace)); ml->sr = ZR; ml->high = -1; } static void menulist_update(Menulist *ml, Mousectl *mc) { if(ptinrect(mc->xy, ml->r)){ /* item highlighting and selection */ }else if(ptinrect(mc->xy, ml->sr)){ /* scrolling */ } } static void menulist_draw(Menulist *ml, Image *dst) { static Image *bc; Rectangle tr, er; /* title and per-entry */ int i; if(ml->filling) return; if(bc == nil) bc = eallocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DPurpleblue); /* draw title */ tr.min = subpt(ml->r.min, Pt(0,Menuborder + font->height+Vspace)); tr.max = Pt(ml->r.max.x, ml->r.min.y - Menuborder); draw(dst, tr, display->black, nil, ZP); string(dst, tr.min, display->white, ZP, font, ml->title); /* draw content */ border(dst, ml->r, -Menuborder, bc, ZP); er.min = ml->r.min; er.max = Pt(ml->r.max.x, er.min.y + font->height+Vspace); for(i = 0; i < ml->nentries; i++){ draw(dst, er, display->white, nil, ZP); string(dst, er.min, display->black, ZP, font, ml->entries[i].title); er.min.y += font->height+Vspace; er.max.y = er.min.y + font->height+Vspace; } if(i == 0){ draw(dst, er, display->white, nil, ZP); string(dst, er.min, display->black, ZP, font, none); } } Menulist * newmenulist(int topmargin, char *title) { Menulist *ml; int w; ml = emalloc(sizeof *ml); memset(ml, 0, sizeof *ml); ml->title = estrdup(title); w = max(stringwidth(font, title), stringwidth(font, none)); ml->r.min = Pt(SCRW/2 - w/2, topmargin); ml->r.max = addpt(ml->r.min, Pt(w, font->height+Vspace)); ml->high = -1; ml->add = menulist_add; ml->clear = menulist_clear; ml->update = menulist_update; ml->draw = menulist_draw; return ml; } void delmenulist(Menulist *ml) { ml->clear(ml); free(ml->title); free(ml); }