#include #include #include typedef struct Coord Coord; typedef struct BBox BBox; typedef struct MFHeader MFHeader; typedef struct Tag Tag; struct Coord { double lat; double lon; }; struct BBox { Coord min; Coord max; }; struct Tag { int key; char *val; }; struct MFHeader { char magic[21]; /* magic sequence */ uint size; /* header size */ uint fversion; /* file version */ uvlong fsize; /* file size */ uvlong dob; /* date of creation */ BBox bbox; /* map boundaries */ ushort tsize; /* tile size */ char *projection; /* Mercator or nothing */ uchar flags; Coord pos0; /* map initial position */ uchar zoom0; /* map initial zoom level */ char *lang; /* language preference */ char *comment; char *author; Tag *pois; /* places of interest */ Tag *ways; /* ways */ }; enum { Fdebug = 0x80, Fpos0 = 0x40, Fzoom0 = 0x20, Flang = 0x10, Fcomment = 0x08, Fauthor = 0x04 }; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: info [mapfile]\n"); exits("usage"); } ushort get16(uchar *a) { return (a[0]<<8) | a[1]; } uint get32(uchar *a) { return (a[0]<<24) | (a[1]<<16) | (a[2]<<8) | a[3]; } uvlong get64(uchar *a) { uvlong n; n = get32(a); return n<<32 | get32(a+4); } uint readuvarint(Biobuf *b) { uint n, shift; uchar x; n = shift = 0; if(Bread(b, &x, 1) != 1) sysfatal("readuvarint: %r"); while(x & 0x80){ n |= (x & ~0x80) << shift; shift += 7; Bread(b, &x, 1); } return n |= x; } char * readstr(Biobuf *b) { uint len; char *s; len = readuvarint(b); s = malloc(len+1); if(Bread(b, s, len) != len) sysfatal("readstr: %r"); s[len] = 0; return s; } double todeg(long μd) { double d; d = μd / 1000000.; return d; } Coord getcoord(uchar *a) { Coord c; uchar *s; s = a; c.lat = todeg(get32(s)); s += 4; c.lon = todeg(get32(s)); return c; } BBox getbbox(uchar *a) { BBox bbox; uchar *s; s = a; bbox.min = getcoord(s); s += 8; bbox.max = getcoord(s); return bbox; } Tag * gettags(Biobuf *b) { Tag *t; uchar x[2]; int len, i; if(Bread(b, x, 2) != 2) sysfatal("gettags: %r"); len = get16(x); t = malloc((len+1)*sizeof(Tag)); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) t[i].val = readstr(b); t[len].val = nil; return t; } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Biobuf bin; Tag *tp; uchar buf[512]; int fd; MFHeader h; if(argc < 2) fd = 0; else{ fd = open(argv[1], OREAD); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("open: %r"); } if(Binit(&bin, fd, OREAD) < 0) sysfatal("Binit: %r"); if(Bread(&bin, buf, 20) != 20) sysfatal("wrong magic value"); strncpy(h.magic, (char *)buf, 20); h.magic[20] = 0; if(Bread(&bin, buf, 4) != 4) sysfatal("couldn't read header size"); h.size = get32(buf); if(Bread(&bin, buf, 4) != 4) sysfatal("couldn't read file version"); h.fversion = get32(buf); if(Bread(&bin, buf, 8) != 8) sysfatal("couldn't get file size"); h.fsize = get64(buf); if(Bread(&bin, buf, 8) != 8) sysfatal("couldn't get date of creation"); h.dob = get64(buf); if(Bread(&bin, buf, 16) != 16) sysfatal("couldn't get bbox"); h.bbox = getbbox(buf); if(Bread(&bin, buf, 2) != 2) sysfatal("couldn't get tile size"); h.tsize = get16(buf); h.projection = readstr(&bin); if(Bread(&bin, &h.flags, 1) != 1) sysfatal("couldn't get flags"); if(h.flags & Fpos0){ if(Bread(&bin, buf, 8) != 8) sysfatal("couldn't get pos0"); h.pos0 = getcoord(buf); } if(h.flags & Fzoom0) Bread(&bin, &h.zoom0, 1); if(h.flags & Flang) h.lang = readstr(&bin); if(h.flags & Fcomment) h.comment = readstr(&bin); if(h.flags & Fauthor) h.author = readstr(&bin); h.pois = gettags(&bin); h.ways = gettags(&bin); Bterm(&bin); print("Mapsforge Header Information\n"); print("magic: %s\n", h.magic); print("header size: %d bytes\n", h.size); print("version: %d\n", h.fversion); print("file size: %llud bytes\n", h.fsize); print("created: %s", ctime(h.dob)); print("bbox: (%g°N, %g°E)(%g°N, %g°E)\n", h.bbox.min.lat, h.bbox.min.lon, h.bbox.max.lat, h.bbox.max.lon); print("tile size: %d\n", h.tsize); print("projection: %s\n", h.projection); print("flags:"); if(h.flags & Fdebug) print(" debug"); if(h.flags & Fpos0) print(" pos0"); if(h.flags & Fzoom0) print(" zoom0"); if(h.flags & Flang) print(" lang"); if(h.flags & Fcomment) print(" comment"); if(h.flags & Fauthor) print(" author"); print("\n"); if(h.flags & Fpos0) print("pos0: (%g°N, %g°E)\n", h.pos0.lat, h.pos0.lon); if(h.flags & Fzoom0) print("zoom0: %d\n", h.zoom0); if(h.flags & Flang) print("lang: %s\n", h.lang); if(h.flags & Fcomment) print("comment: %s\n", h.comment); if(h.flags & Fauthor) print("author: %s\n", h.author); print("pois:\n"); for(tp = h.pois; tp->val != nil; tp++) print("\t%s\n", tp->val); print("ways:\n"); for(tp = h.ways; tp->val != nil; tp++) print("\t%s\n", tp->val); close(fd); exits(0); }