.HTML "Rodrigo G. López - Curriculum Vitae" .TL Curriculum Vitae .BP face.ps 1.5i 1.5i c 0.5i .EP .AU .ps 14 .ss 16 .vs 16 Rodrigo G. López .AI .ps 10 .ss 12 .vs 12 .CW rgl@antares-labs.eu .CW "Catral, Alicante 03158" .CW "(+34)657 23 86 86" .SH Personal Info .PP Website: .SM .CW http://rgl.antares-labs.eu .PP Public software: .SM .CW http://git.antares-labs.eu .PP GitHub: .SM .CW http://github.com/sametsisartenep .PP LinkedIn: .SM .CW https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodrigo-g-lópez-178744178/ .SH Languages .IP • .UL English : Advanced. (C1/CAE) .br Fluency reading and listening, without problems to express myself, mainly in writing. .IP • .UL Spanish : Native. .IP • .UL French : Basic. (A1-A2) .br Highlighting reading, with almost no experience listening and writing. .SH Work Experience .IP • Computer programmer and System administrator at .I "Telfy Telecom S.L.U." from December 2019 to the present. .IP • Programmer at .I everis from April 2017 to August 2018. I worked on four projects for a client in the energy sector, the first one using SAPUI5, two later using jQuery and the last one with jQuery and Leaflet to build an internal application's section for a map with some range filtering and trace selection functionality. I also worked with a testing team on a project, evaluating several formulary windows, fields, layouts and parametrization. There was also a project using speech recognition, where I learned a bit about finite state grammars, language models and speech-to-text synthesis. .IP • Technical support at .I SolidQ during Spring of 2016. I helped customers with software setup and configuration, and also worked with the internal support team to update documentation and manage clients' subscriptions. .IP • English-Spanish translator at .I Node.js in Spring and Summer of 2015. I worked with the Node spanish community to translate the documents of every version, developer publications and the API, along with examples for C++ and Javascript. .IP • Backend Engineer at .I "Caribe Activo" during Spring of 2015. I operated their Unix systems, setting up security systems and remote administration, and building their first search engine with Node.js, MongoDB and LevelDB. .SH Technical Experience and Skills .IP I use .B "Plan 9" on a daily basis, along with .B OpenBSD and .B Linux . I designed and implemented my home/laboratory network, including .B DHCP and a .B DNS server handling its own SOA (Start of Authority) using Plan 9, along with a .B TFTP service so that machines can bootup automatically through PXE. .IP • I'm proficient with .B C and shells like .B rc , .B ksh and .B (ba)sh . .IP • I use the UNIX text-processing tools .B awk , ( .B sed , .B grep , etc) on a daily basis for system administration tasks, also document preparation .B troff "" ( and its macro packages) and manuals. .IP • I've created concurrent programs under the formal model of .B CSP by Tony Hoare with .B Go as well as Plan 9's .B libthread , and .B "POSIX threads". .IP • I have developed firmware for the .B "Atmel ATmega328P" and the .B STM32F103RB microcontrollers, using both .B C and .B Assembly . .IP • I also have some experience with the .B Verilog hardware description language and I'm currently learning more .B PWM , ( .B VGA and .B UART so far). .IP • I've used .B git , .B mercurial , and .B svn as version control systems. .IP • I've built infrastructure for testing and build automation with .B QEMU/KVM , and I've used the .B VirtualBox and .B Hyper-V hypervisors for little projects. .IP • With respect to my programming style, I focus on making my software .B simple , .B clear and .B consistent above everything. It has proven to be the best for development and future maintenance. .IP • I have experience using .B "soldering iron" with precise narrow and batch-soldering wide tips to treat through-hole and surface-mounted electronic components, at temperatures ranging from 200 to 400°C. I've also used .B "desoldering wick" to clean some joints and non-corrosive .B flux . .IP • I use my .B "digital oscilloscope" very often to analyze signals and properties of the hardware I work on, although the features I use have been very simple so far. .IP • In my previous company I introduced a couple new people to our project, and walked them through our code and .I "modus operandi" . In the following months we became an effective team, dealing hand on hand with the client and supporting each other throughout the development cycle. .SH Past Experience .IP .B C++ : simple text adventures, Pong clone with SDL, a little 2D rigid body physics library. .br .B Go : HTTP(S) servers, a little wiki. .br .B Java : 2D platform/side scrolling prototypes and a couple of games, Apache Cordova basic plugin patching. .br .B JavaScript : Node.js web servers, tools and a web interface for controlling a Parrot AR Drone 2. .br .B Python : Django apps, a basic web crawler over Tor, SSH bruteforcing. .br .B Ruby : Rails apps. .br .B PHP : A social network with a LAMP stack. .SH Education .IP • Books, scientific papers, technical specifications and people's experiences shared on the Internet are my main source of knowledge. .IP • .I "Software Security" by Prof. Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College Park on Coursera MOOC. Earned in September 2016 .IP • .I "Middle Degree S.M.R. (Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes)" , I.E.S. Las Espeñetas, Orihuela, ALC. From September 2014 to June 2016 .IP • .I "Some online courses on Science, Engineering, Law & Economy" , MIT OpenCourseWare, EdX, Stanford Online, HarvardX and Coursera