#include #include #include #include #include static Point2 flatten(Camera *c, Point3 p) { Point2 p2; Matrix S = { Dx(c->viewport->r)/2, 0, 0, 0, Dy(c->viewport->r)/2, 0, 0, 0, 1, }, T = { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, }; p2 = Pt2(p.x, p.y, p.w); if(p2.w != 0) p2 = divpt2(p2, p2.w); mulm(S, T); p2 = xform(p2, S); return p2; } Point3 world2vcs(Camera *c, Point3 p) { return rframexform3(p, *c); } Point3 vcs2ndc(Camera *c, Point3 p) { return xform3(p, c->proj); } Point3 world2ndc(Camera *c, Point3 p) { return vcs2ndc(c, world2vcs(c, p)); } /* requires p to be in NDC */ int isclipping(Point3 p) { if(p.x > p.w || p.x < -p.w || p.y > p.w || p.y < -p.w || p.z > p.w || p.z < 0) return 1; return 0; } /* Liang-Barsky algorithm, requires p0, p1 to be in NDC */ int clipline3(Point3 *p0, Point3 *p1) { Point3 q0, q1, v; int m0, m1, i; double ti, to, th; double c0[3*2] = { p0->w + p0->x, p0->w - p0->x, p0->w + p0->y, p0->w - p0->y, p0->z, p0->w - p0->z, }, c1[3*2] = { p1->w + p1->x, p1->w - p1->x, p1->w + p1->y, p1->w - p1->y, p1->z, p1->w - p1->z, }; /* bit-encoded regions */ m0 = (c0[0] < 0) << 0 | (c0[1] < 0) << 1 | (c0[2] < 0) << 2 | (c0[3] < 0) << 3 | (c0[4] < 0) << 4 | (c0[5] < 0) << 5; m1 = (c1[0] < 0) << 0 | (c1[1] < 0) << 1 | (c1[2] < 0) << 2 | (c1[3] < 0) << 3 | (c1[4] < 0) << 4 | (c1[5] < 0) << 5; if((m0 & m1) != 0) return 1; /* trivially rejected */ if((m0 | m1) == 0) return 0; /* trivially accepted */ ti = 0; to = 1; for(i = 0; i < 3*2; i++){ if(c1[i] < 0){ th = c0[i] / (c0[i]-c1[i]); if(th < to) to = th; }else if(c0[i] < 0){ th = c0[i] / (c0[i]-c1[i]); if(th < ti) ti = th; } if(ti > to) return 1; } /* chop line to fit inside NDC */ q0 = *p0; q1 = *p1; v = subpt3(q1, q0); if(m0 != 0) *p0 = addpt3(q0, mulpt3(v, ti)); if(m1 != 0) *p1 = addpt3(q0, mulpt3(v, to)); return 0; } Point toviewport(Camera *c, Point3 p) { Point2 p2; RFrame rf = { c->viewport->r.min.x, c->viewport->r.max.y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 }; p2 = invrframexform(flatten(c, p), rf); return Pt(p2.x, p2.y); } Point2 fromviewport(Camera *c, Point p) { RFrame rf = { c->viewport->r.min.x, c->viewport->r.max.y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 }; return rframexform(Pt2(p.x,p.y,1), rf); } void perspective(Matrix3 m, double fov, double a, double n, double f) { double cotan; cotan = 1/tan(fov/2); identity3(m); m[0][0] = cotan/a; m[1][1] = cotan; m[2][2] = -(f+n)/(f-n); m[2][3] = -2*f*n/(f-n); m[3][2] = -1; } void orthographic(Matrix3 m, double l, double r, double b, double t, double n, double f) { identity3(m); m[0][0] = 2/(r - l); m[1][1] = 2/(t - b); m[2][2] = -2/(f - n); m[0][3] = -(r + l)/(r - l); m[1][3] = -(t + b)/(t - b); m[2][3] = -(f + n)/(f - n); } void line3(Camera *c, Point3 p0, Point3 p1, int end0, int end1, Image *src) { p0 = world2ndc(c, p0); p1 = world2ndc(c, p1); if(clipline3(&p0, &p1)) return; line(c->viewport, toviewport(c, p0), toviewport(c, p1), end0, end1, 0, src, ZP); } Point string3(Camera *c, Point3 p, Image *src, Font *f, char *s) { p = world2ndc(c, p); if(isclipping(p)) return Pt(-1,-1); return string(c->viewport, toviewport(c, p), src, ZP, f, s); }