#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libobj/obj.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "internal.h" /* * uv-coords belong to the 1st quadrant (v grows bottom-up), * hence the need to reverse the v coord. */ static Point uv2tp(Point2 uv, Memimage *i) { assert(uv.x >= 0 && uv.x <= 1 && uv.y >= 0 && uv.y <= 1); return Pt(uv.x*Dx(i->r), (1 - uv.y)*Dy(i->r)); } static Color ul2col(ulong l) { Color c; c.a = (l & 0xff)/255.0; c.b = (l>>8 & 0xff)/255.0; c.g = (l>>16 & 0xff)/255.0; c.r = (l>>24 & 0xff)/255.0; return c; } static Color cbuf2col(uchar b[4]) { Color c; c.a = b[0] / 255.0; c.b = b[1] / 255.0; c.g = b[2] / 255.0; c.r = b[3] / 255.0; return c; } static Color _memreadcolor(Memimage *i, Point sp) { uchar cbuf[4]; switch(i->chan){ case RGB24: unloadmemimage(i, rectaddpt(UR, sp), cbuf+1, sizeof cbuf - 1); cbuf[0] = 0xFF; break; case RGBA32: unloadmemimage(i, rectaddpt(UR, sp), cbuf, sizeof cbuf); break; case XRGB32: unloadmemimage(i, rectaddpt(UR, sp), cbuf, sizeof cbuf); memmove(cbuf+1, cbuf, 3); cbuf[0] = 0xFF; break; } return cbuf2col(cbuf); } /* * nearest-neighbour sampler */ Color neartexsampler(Memimage *i, Point2 uv) { return _memreadcolor(i, uv2tp(uv, i)); } /* * bilinear sampler */ Color bilitexsampler(Memimage *i, Point2 uv) { Rectangle r; Color c1, c2; r = rectaddpt(UR, uv2tp(uv, i)); if(r.min.x < i->r.min.x){ r.min.x++; r.max.x++; }if(r.min.y < i->r.min.y){ r.min.y++; r.max.y++; }if(r.max.x >= i->r.max.x){ r.min.x--; r.max.x--; }if(r.max.y >= i->r.max.y){ r.min.y--; r.max.y--; } c1 = lerp3(_memreadcolor(i, r.min), _memreadcolor(i, Pt(r.max.x, r.min.y)), 0.5); c2 = lerp3(_memreadcolor(i, Pt(r.min.x, r.max.y)), _memreadcolor(i, r.max), 0.5); return lerp3(c1, c2, 0.5); } Color texture(Memimage *i, Point2 uv, Color(*sampler)(Memimage*,Point2)) { return sampler(i, uv); }