#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" /* Ship */ static void ship_forward(Ship *s, double Δt) { Point2 v; Matrix R = { cos(s->θ), -sin(s->θ), 0, sin(s->θ), cos(s->θ), 0, 0, 0, 1, }; v = mulpt2(xform(Vec2(1,0), R), THRUST*Δt); s->v = addpt2(s->v, v); } static void ship_rotate(Ship *s, int dir, double Δt) { s->θ += PI*dir*Δt; } static void ship_hyperjump(Ship *s) { USED(s); return; } static void ship_fire(Ship *s) { int i; Point2 bv; Matrix R = { cos(s->θ), -sin(s->θ), 0, sin(s->θ), cos(s->θ), 0, 0, 0, 1, }; bv = mulpt2(xform(Vec2(1,0), R), 10*THRUST); for(i = 0; i < nelem(s->rounds); i++) if(!s->rounds[i].fired){ s->rounds[i].p = s->p; s->rounds[i].v = addpt2(s->v, bv); s->rounds[i].θ = s->θ; s->rounds[i].ttl = 5; s->rounds[i].fired++; break; } } /* Universe */ static void universe_step(Universe *u, double Δt) { Ship *s; Bullet *b; integrate(u, u->t, Δt); for(s = u->ships; s < u->ships+nelem(u->ships); s++) for(b = s->rounds; b < s->rounds+nelem(s->rounds); b++) if(b->fired) b->ttl -= Δt; u->timeacc -= Δt; u->t += Δt; } static void warp(Particle *p) { Rectangle r; r = Rect(-SCRW/2, -SCRH/2, SCRW/2, SCRH/2); if(p->p.x < r.min.x) p->p.x = r.max.x; if(p->p.y < r.min.y) p->p.y = r.max.y; if(p->p.x > r.max.x) p->p.x = r.min.x; if(p->p.y > r.max.y) p->p.y = r.min.y; } /* collision detection and resolution */ static void universe_collide(Universe *u) { Ship *s, *enemy; Bullet *b; for(s = u->ships; s < u->ships+nelem(u->ships); s++){ for(b = s->rounds; b < s->rounds+nelem(s->rounds); b++) if(b->fired){ if(b->ttl <= 0){ b->fired = 0; continue; } warp(b); enemy = &u->ships[(s - u->ships + 1) % nelem(u->ships)]; /* * TODO: fix it * * of course it fails, the server doesn't load VModels! */ // if(ptinpoly(b->p, enemy->mdl->pts, enemy->mdl->npts)) // fprint(2, "enemy hit\n"); } warp(s); } } static void universe_reset(Universe *u) { int i, j; for(i = 0; i < nelem(u->ships); i++){ for(j = 0; j < nelem(u->ships[i].rounds); j++) memset(&u->ships[i].rounds[j], 0, sizeof(Bullet)); memset(&u->ships[i].Particle, 0, sizeof(Particle)); } memset(&u->star.Particle, 0, sizeof(Particle)); inituniverse(u); } void inituniverse(Universe *u) { int i; double θ; Point2 aimstar; u->star.p = Pt2(0,0,1); u->star.mass = 5.97e24; /* earth's mass */ θ = ntruerand(360)*DEG; for(i = 0; i < nelem(u->ships); i++){ θ += i*180*DEG; Matrix R = { cos(θ), -sin(θ), 0, sin(θ), cos(θ), 0, 0, 0, 1 }; u->ships[i].p = addpt2(Pt2(0,0,1), mulpt2(xform(Vec2(1,0), R), 200)); aimstar = subpt2(u->star.p, u->ships[i].p); u->ships[i].θ = atan2(aimstar.y, aimstar.x); } u->ships[0].mass = 10e3; /* 10 tons */ u->ships[0].fuel = 100; u->ships[1].mass = 40e3; /* 40 tons */ u->ships[1].fuel = 200; u->ships[0].forward = u->ships[1].forward = ship_forward; u->ships[0].rotate = u->ships[1].rotate = ship_rotate; u->ships[0].hyperjump = u->ships[1].hyperjump = ship_hyperjump; u->ships[0].fire = u->ships[1].fire = ship_fire; } Universe * newuniverse(void) { Universe *u; u = emalloc(sizeof(Universe)); memset(u, 0, sizeof *u); u->step = universe_step; u->collide = universe_collide; u->reset = universe_reset; return u; } void deluniverse(Universe *u) { free(u); }