#include #include typedef struct { double x, y, z; } Vec; /* when V(n) then all n. when V(x,y) then z = 0 */ Vec V(double x, double y, double z) { return (Vec){x,y,z}; } Vec vadd(Vec a, Vec b) { return V(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y,a.z+b.z); } Vec vmul(Vec v, double s) { return V(v.x*s,v.y*s,v.z*s); } Vec vmulv(Vec a, Vec b) { return V(a.x*b.x,a.y*b.y,a.z*b.z); } double vdot(Vec a, Vec b) { return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z; } Vec vnorm(Vec v) { return vmul(v, 1/sqrt(vdot(v, v))); } double min(double a, double b) { return a < b? a: b; } double randomVal(void) { return frand(); } /* * Rectangle CSG equation. Returns minimum signed distance from * space carved by * lowerLeft vertex and opposite rectangle vertex upperRight. */ double BoxTest(Vec p, Vec lowerLeft, Vec upperRight) { lowerLeft = vadd(p, vmul(lowerLeft, -1)); upperRight = vadd(upperRight, vmul(p, -1)); return -min( min( min(lowerLeft.x, upperRight.x), min(lowerLeft.y, upperRight.y) ), min(lowerLeft.z, upperRight.z) ); } enum { HIT_NONE, HIT_LETTER, HIT_WALL, HIT_SUN }; /* Sample the world using Signed Distance Fields. */ double QueryDatabase(Vec position, int *hitType) { Vec f; double distance, roomDist, sun; int i; char letters[15*4+1] = /* 15 two points lines */ "5O5_" "5W9W" "5_9_" /* P (without curve) */ "AOEO" "COC_" "A_E_" /* I */ "IOQ_" "I_QO" /* X */ "UOY_" "Y_]O" "WW[W" /* A */ "aOa_" "aWeW" "a_e_" "cWiO"; /* R (without curve) */ distance = 1e9; /* flattened position (z = 0) */ f = position; f.z = 0; for(i = 0; i < sizeof letters; i += 4){ Vec begin, e, o; begin = vmul(V(letters[i] - 79,letters[i + 1] - 79,0), 0.5); e = vadd(vmul(V(letters[i + 2] - 79,letters[i + 3] - 79,0), 0.5), vmul(begin, -1)); o = vmul(vadd(f, vadd(begin, vmul(e, min(-min(vdot(vadd(begin, vmul(f, -1)), e) / vdot(e, e), 0), 1)))), -1); distance = min(distance, vdot(e, e)); } /* actual distance */ distance = sqrt(distance); /* Two curves (for P and R in PixaR) with hard-coded locations. */ Vec curves[] = { V(-11,6,0), V(11,6,0) }; for(i = 2; i--;){ Vec o; o = vadd(f, vmul(curves[i], -1)); distance = min(distance, o.x > 0? abs(sqrt(vdot(o, o)) - 2): (o.y += o.y > 0? -2: 2, sqrt(vdot(o, o)))); } distance = pow(pow(distance, 8) + pow(position.z, 8), 0.125) - 0.5; *hitType = HIT_LETTER; /* * min(A,B) = Union with Constructive solid geometry * -min carves an empty space */ roomDist = min( -min( /* Lower room */ BoxTest(position, V(-30,-0.5,-30), V(30,18,30)), /* Upper room */ BoxTest(position, V(-25,17,-25), V(25,20,25)) ), BoxTest(/* Ceiling "planks" spaced 8 units apart. */ V(fmod(abs(position.x), 8), position.y, position.z), V(1.5,18.5,-25), V(6.5,20,25) ) ); if(roomDist < distance){ distance = roomDist; *hitType = HIT_WALL; } sun = 19.9 - position.y ; /* Everything above 19.9 is light source. */ if(sun < distance){ distance = sun; *hitType = HIT_SUN; } return distance; } /* Perform signed sphere marching */ int RayMarching(Vec origin, Vec direction, Vec *hitPos, Vec *hitNorm) { int hitType, noHitCount; double d; /* distance from closest object in world. */ double total_d; hitType = HIT_NONE; noHitCount = 0; /* Signed distance marching */ for (total_d = 0; total_d < 100; total_d += d){ *hitPos = vadd(origin, vmul(direction, total_d)); d = QueryDatabase(*hitPos, &hitType); if(d < 0.01 || ++noHitCount > 99){ *hitNorm = vnorm(V(QueryDatabase(vadd(*hitPos, V(0.01,0,0)), &noHitCount) - d, QueryDatabase(vadd(*hitPos, V(0,0.01,0)), &noHitCount) - d, QueryDatabase(vadd(*hitPos, V(0,0,0.01)), &noHitCount) - d)); return hitType; } } return 0; } Vec Trace(Vec origin, Vec direction) { Vec sampledPosition, normal, color, attenuation, lightDirection; int bounceCount; double incidence, p, c, s, g, u, v; attenuation = V(1,1,1); lightDirection = vnorm(V(0.6,0.6,1)); /* Directional light */ for(bounceCount = 3; bounceCount--;){ int hitType; hitType = RayMarching(origin, direction, &sampledPosition, &normal); switch(hitType){ case HIT_LETTER: /* Specular bounce on a letter. No color acc. */ direction = vadd(direction, vmul(normal, vdot(normal, direction) * -2)); origin = vadd(sampledPosition, vmul(direction, 0.1)); attenuation = vmul(attenuation, 0.2); /* Attenuation via distance traveled. */ break; case HIT_WALL: incidence = vdot(normal, lightDirection); p = 6.283185 * randomVal(); c = randomVal(); s = sqrt(1 - c); g = normal.z < 0? -1: 1; u = -1/(g + normal.z); v = normal.x * normal.y * u; direction = vadd(vadd(vmul(V(v,g + normal.y * normal.y * u,-normal.y), cos(p)*s),vmul(V(1 + g * normal.x * normal.x * u,g * v,-g * normal.x), sin(p)*s)), vmul(normal, sqrt(c))); origin = vadd(sampledPosition, vmul(direction, 0.1)); attenuation = vmul(attenuation, 0.2); if(incidence > 0 && RayMarching(vadd(sampledPosition, vmul(normal, 0.1)), lightDirection, &sampledPosition, &normal) == HIT_SUN) color = vadd(color, vmul(vmulv(attenuation, V(500,400,100)), incidence)); break; case HIT_SUN: color = vadd(color, vmulv(attenuation, V(50,80,100))); break; default: goto Out; } } Out: return color; } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-s nsamples]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Vec position, goal, left, up; int w, h, samplesCount, x, y, p; w = 960; h = 540; samplesCount = 1; ARGBEGIN{ case 's': samplesCount = strtol(EARGF(usage()), nil, 10); break; }ARGEND; position = V(-22,5,25); goal = vnorm(vadd(V(-3,4,0), vmul(position, -1))); left = vmul(vnorm(V(goal.z,0,-goal.x)), (1.0/w)); /* Cross-product to get the up vector */ up = V(goal.y * left.z - goal.z * left.y, goal.z * left.x - goal.x * left.z, goal.x * left.y - goal.y * left.x); print("P3 %d %d 255\n", w, h); for(y = h; y--;) for(x = w; x--;){ Vec color, o; for (p = samplesCount; p--;) color = vadd(color, Trace(position, vnorm(vadd(vadd(goal, vmul(left, x - w/2 + randomVal())), vmul(up, y - h/2 + randomVal()))))); /* Reinhard tone mapping */ color = vadd(vmul(color, 1.0/samplesCount), V(14.0/241,14.0/241,14.0/241)); o = vadd(color, V(1,1,1)); color = vmul(V(color.x/o.x,color.y/o.y,color.z/o.z), 255); print("%d %d %d\n", (int)color.x, (int)color.y, (int)color.z); } }