#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libobj/obj.h" typedef Point Triangle[3]; typedef struct Sparams Sparams; typedef struct SUparams SUparams; /* shader params */ struct Sparams { Memimage *frag; Point p; }; /* shader unit params */ struct SUparams { Memimage *dst; Rectangle r; int id; Channel *donec; Memimage *(*shader)(Sparams*); }; Memimage *fb; double *zbuf; Memimage *red, *green, *blue; OBJ *model; Memimage *modeltex; Channel *drawc; int nprocs; char winspec[32]; void resized(void); uvlong nanosec(void); int min(int a, int b) { return a < b? a: b; } int max(int a, int b) { return a > b? a: b; } void swap(int *a, int *b) { int t; t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } void * emalloc(ulong n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(p == nil) sysfatal("malloc: %r"); setmalloctag(p, getcallerpc(&n)); return p; } void * erealloc(void *p, ulong n) { void *np; np = realloc(p, n); if(np == nil){ if(n == 0) return nil; sysfatal("realloc: %r"); } if(p == nil) setmalloctag(np, getcallerpc(&p)); else setrealloctag(np, getcallerpc(&p)); return np; } Image * eallocimage(Display *d, Rectangle r, ulong chan, int repl, ulong col) { Image *i; i = allocimage(d, r, chan, repl, col); if(i == nil) sysfatal("allocimage: %r"); return i; } Memimage * eallocmemimage(Rectangle r, ulong chan) { Memimage *i; i = allocmemimage(r, chan); if(i == nil) sysfatal("allocmemimage: %r"); memfillcolor(i, DTransparent); return i; } static void decproc(void *arg) { int fd, *pfd; pfd = arg; fd = pfd[2]; close(pfd[0]); dup(fd, 0); close(fd); dup(pfd[1], 1); close(pfd[1]); execl("/bin/tga", "tga", "-9t", nil); threadexitsall("execl: %r"); } Memimage * readtga(char *path) { Memimage *i; int fd, pfd[3]; if(pipe(pfd) < 0) sysfatal("pipe: %r"); fd = open(path, OREAD); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("open: %r"); pfd[2] = fd; procrfork(decproc, pfd, mainstacksize, RFFDG|RFNAMEG|RFNOTEG); close(pfd[1]); i = readmemimage(pfd[0]); close(pfd[0]); close(fd); return i; } Memimage * rgb(ulong c) { Memimage *i; i = eallocmemimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan); i->flags |= Frepl; i->clipr = Rect(-1e6, -1e6, 1e6, 1e6); memfillcolor(i, c); return i; } void pixel(Memimage *dst, Point p, Memimage *src) { if(dst == nil || src == nil) return; memimagedraw(dst, rectaddpt(Rect(0,0,1,1), p), src, ZP, nil, ZP, SoverD); } void bresenham(Memimage *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Memimage *src) { int steep = 0, Δe, e, Δy; Point p, dp; /* transpose the points */ if(abs(p0.x-p1.x) < abs(p0.y-p1.y)){ steep = 1; swap(&p0.x, &p0.y); swap(&p1.x, &p1.y); } /* make them left-to-right */ if(p0.x > p1.x){ swap(&p0.x, &p1.x); swap(&p0.y, &p1.y); } dp = subpt(p1, p0); Δe = 2*abs(dp.y); e = 0; Δy = p1.y > p0.y? 1: -1; for(p = p0; p.x <= p1.x; p.x++){ if(steep) swap(&p.x, &p.y); pixel(dst, p, src); if(steep) swap(&p.x, &p.y); e += Δe; if(e > dp.x){ p.y += Δy; e -= 2*dp.x; } } } int ycoordsort(void *a, void *b) { return ((Point*)a)->y - ((Point*)b)->y; } void triangle(Memimage *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Memimage *src) { Triangle t; t[0] = p0; t[1] = p1; t[2] = p2; qsort(t, nelem(t), sizeof(Point), ycoordsort); bresenham(dst, t[0], t[1], src); bresenham(dst, t[1], t[2], src); bresenham(dst, t[2], t[0], green); } void filltriangle(Memimage *dst, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Memimage *src) { int y; double m₀₂, m₀₁, m₁₂; Point dp₀₂, dp₀₁, dp₁₂; Triangle t; t[0] = p0; t[1] = p1; t[2] = p2; qsort(t, nelem(t), sizeof(Point), ycoordsort); dp₀₂ = subpt(t[2], t[0]); m₀₂ = dp₀₂.y == 0? 0: (double)dp₀₂.x/dp₀₂.y; dp₀₁ = subpt(t[1], t[0]); m₀₁ = dp₀₁.y == 0? 0: (double)dp₀₁.x/dp₀₁.y; dp₁₂ = subpt(t[2], t[1]); m₁₂ = dp₁₂.y == 0? 0: (double)dp₁₂.x/dp₁₂.y; /* first half */ for(y = t[0].y; y <= t[1].y; y++) bresenham(dst, Pt(t[0].x + (y-t[0].y)*m₀₂,y), Pt(t[0].x + (y-t[0].y)*m₀₁,y), src); /* second half */ for(; y <= t[2].y; y++) bresenham(dst, Pt(t[0].x + (y-t[0].y)*m₀₂,y), Pt(t[1].x + (y-t[1].y)*m₁₂,y), src); } void shaderunit(void *arg) { SUparams *params; Sparams sp; Point p; Memimage *c; params = arg; sp.frag = rgb(DBlack); threadsetname("shader unit #%d", params->id); for(p.y = params->r.min.y; p.y < params->r.max.y; p.y++) for(p.x = params->r.min.x; p.x < params->r.max.x; p.x++){ sp.p = p; if((c = params->shader(&sp)) != nil) pixel(params->dst, p, c); } freememimage(sp.frag); sendp(params->donec, nil); free(params); threadexits(nil); } void shade(Memimage *dst, Memimage *(*shader)(Sparams*)) { int i; Point dim; SUparams *params; Channel *donec; /* shitty approach until i find a better algo */ dim.x = Dx(dst->r)/nprocs; donec = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0); for(i = 0; i < nprocs; i++){ params = emalloc(sizeof *params); params->dst = dst; params->r = Rect(i*dim.x,0,min((i+1)*dim.x, dst->r.max.x),dst->r.max.y); params->id = i; params->donec = donec; params->shader = shader; proccreate(shaderunit, params, mainstacksize); fprint(2, "spawned su %d for %R\n", params->id, params->r); } while(i--) recvp(donec); chanfree(donec); } Memimage * triangleshader(Sparams *sp) { Triangle2 t; Rectangle bbox; Point3 bc; uchar cbuf[4]; t.p0 = Pt2(240,200,1); t.p1 = Pt2(400,40,1); t.p2 = Pt2(240,40,1); bbox = Rect( min(min(t.p0.x, t.p1.x), t.p2.x), min(min(t.p0.y, t.p1.y), t.p2.y), max(max(t.p0.x, t.p1.x), t.p2.x), max(max(t.p0.y, t.p1.y), t.p2.y) ); if(!ptinrect(sp->p, bbox)) return nil; bc = barycoords(t, Pt2(sp->p.x,sp->p.y,1)); if(bc.x < 0 || bc.y < 0 || bc.z < 0) return nil; cbuf[0] = 0xFF; cbuf[1] = 0xFF*bc.z; cbuf[2] = 0xFF*bc.y; cbuf[3] = 0xFF*bc.x; memfillcolor(sp->frag, *(ulong*)cbuf); return sp->frag; } Memimage * circleshader(Sparams *sp) { Point2 uv; double r; uchar cbuf[4]; uv = Pt2(sp->p.x,sp->p.y,1); uv.x /= Dx(fb->r); uv.y /= Dy(fb->r); r = 0.3; if(vec2len(subpt2(uv, Vec2(0.5,0.5))) > r) return nil; cbuf[0] = 0xFF; cbuf[1] = 0; cbuf[2] = 0xFF*uv.y; cbuf[3] = 0xFF*uv.x; memfillcolor(sp->frag, *(ulong*)cbuf); return sp->frag; } Memimage * modelshader(Sparams *sp) { OBJObject *o; OBJElem *e; OBJVertex *verts, *tverts; /* geometric and texture vertices */ OBJIndexArray *idxtab; Triangle3 t; Triangle2 st, tt; /* screen and texture triangles */ Rectangle bbox; Point3 bc, n; /* barycentric coords and surface normal */ static Point3 light = {0,0,-1,0}; /* global light field */ Point tp; /* texture point */ int i; uchar cbuf[4]; double z, intensity; verts = model->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].verts; tverts = model->vertdata[OBJVTexture].verts; for(i = 0; i < nelem(model->objtab); i++) for(o = model->objtab[i]; o != nil; o = o->next) for(e = o->child; e != nil; e = e->next){ idxtab = &e->indextab[OBJVGeometric]; /* discard non-triangles */ if(e->type != OBJEFace || idxtab->nindex != 3) continue; t.p0 = Pt3(verts[idxtab->indices[0]].x,verts[idxtab->indices[0]].y,verts[idxtab->indices[0]].z,verts[idxtab->indices[0]].w); t.p1 = Pt3(verts[idxtab->indices[1]].x,verts[idxtab->indices[1]].y,verts[idxtab->indices[1]].z,verts[idxtab->indices[1]].w); t.p2 = Pt3(verts[idxtab->indices[2]].x,verts[idxtab->indices[2]].y,verts[idxtab->indices[2]].z,verts[idxtab->indices[2]].w); st.p0 = Pt2((t.p0.x+1)*Dx(fb->r)/2, (-t.p0.y+1)*Dy(fb->r)/2, 1); st.p1 = Pt2((t.p1.x+1)*Dx(fb->r)/2, (-t.p1.y+1)*Dy(fb->r)/2, 1); st.p2 = Pt2((t.p2.x+1)*Dx(fb->r)/2, (-t.p2.y+1)*Dy(fb->r)/2, 1); bbox = Rect( min(min(st.p0.x, st.p1.x), st.p2.x), min(min(st.p0.y, st.p1.y), st.p2.y), max(max(st.p0.x, st.p1.x), st.p2.x), max(max(st.p0.y, st.p1.y), st.p2.y) ); bbox.max.x++; bbox.max.y++; if(!ptinrect(sp->p, bbox)) continue; bc = barycoords(st, Pt2(sp->p.x,sp->p.y,1)); if(bc.x < 0 || bc.y < 0 || bc.z < 0) continue; z = t.p0.z*bc.x + t.p1.z*bc.y + t.p2.z*bc.z; if(z <= zbuf[sp->p.x+sp->p.y*Dx(fb->r)]) continue; zbuf[sp->p.x+sp->p.y*Dx(fb->r)] = z; n = normvec3(crossvec3(subpt3(t.p2, t.p0), subpt3(t.p1, t.p0))); intensity = dotvec3(n, light); /* back-face culling */ if(intensity < 0) continue; idxtab = &e->indextab[OBJVTexture]; if(modeltex != nil && idxtab->nindex == 3){ tt.p0 = Pt2(tverts[idxtab->indices[0]].u, tverts[idxtab->indices[0]].v, 1); tt.p1 = Pt2(tverts[idxtab->indices[1]].u, tverts[idxtab->indices[1]].v, 1); tt.p2 = Pt2(tverts[idxtab->indices[2]].u, tverts[idxtab->indices[2]].v, 1); tt.p0 = mulpt2(tt.p0, bc.x); tt.p1 = mulpt2(tt.p1, bc.y); tt.p2 = mulpt2(tt.p2, bc.z); tp.x = (tt.p0.x + tt.p1.x + tt.p2.x)*Dx(modeltex->r); tp.y = Dy(modeltex->r)-(tt.p0.y + tt.p1.y + tt.p2.y)*Dy(modeltex->r); cbuf[0] = 0xFF; unloadmemimage(modeltex, rectaddpt(Rect(0,0,1,1), tp), cbuf+1, sizeof cbuf - 1); }else{ cbuf[0] = 0xFF; cbuf[1] = 0xFF; cbuf[2] = 0xFF; cbuf[3] = 0xFF; } cbuf[1] *= intensity; cbuf[2] *= intensity; cbuf[3] *= intensity; memfillcolor(sp->frag, *(ulong*)cbuf); return sp->frag; } return nil; } void redraw(void) { lockdisplay(display); draw(screen, screen->r, display->black, nil, ZP); loadimage(screen, rectaddpt(fb->r, screen->r.min), byteaddr(fb, fb->r.min), bytesperline(fb->r, fb->depth)*Dy(fb->r)); flushimage(display, 1); unlockdisplay(display); } void render(void) { uvlong t0, t1; if(model != nil){ t0 = nanosec(); shade(fb, modelshader); t1 = nanosec(); fprint(2, "shader took %lludns\n", t1-t0); }else{ t0 = nanosec(); shade(fb, circleshader); t1 = nanosec(); fprint(2, "shader took %lludns\n", t1-t0); bresenham(fb, Pt(40,40), Pt(300,300), red); bresenham(fb, Pt(80,80), Pt(100,200), red); bresenham(fb, Pt(80,80), Pt(200,100), red); filltriangle(fb, Pt(30,10), Pt(45, 45), Pt(5, 100), blue); triangle(fb, Pt(30,10), Pt(45, 45), Pt(5, 100), red); filltriangle(fb, Pt(300,120), Pt(200,350), Pt(50, 210), blue); triangle(fb, Pt(300,120), Pt(200,350), Pt(50, 210), red); filltriangle(fb, Pt(400,230), Pt(450,180), Pt(150, 320), blue); triangle(fb, Pt(400,230), Pt(450,180), Pt(150, 320), red); t0 = nanosec(); shade(fb, triangleshader); t1 = nanosec(); fprint(2, "shader took %lludns\n", t1-t0); } } void rmb(Mousectl *, Keyboardctl *) { } void lmb(Mousectl *, Keyboardctl *) { } void mouse(Mousectl *mc, Keyboardctl *kc) { if((mc->buttons&1) != 0) lmb(mc, kc); if((mc->buttons&4) != 0) rmb(mc, kc); } void key(Rune r) { switch(r){ case Kdel: case 'q': threadexitsall(nil); } } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-n nprocs] [-m objfile] [-t texfile]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { Mousectl *mc; Keyboardctl *kc; Rune r; char *mdlpath, *texpath; GEOMfmtinstall(); mdlpath = nil; texpath = nil; ARGBEGIN{ case 'n': nprocs = strtoul(EARGF(usage()), nil, 10); break; case 'm': mdlpath = EARGF(usage()); break; case 't': texpath = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND; if(argc != 0) usage(); if(nprocs < 1) nprocs = strtoul(getenv("NPROC"), nil, 10); snprint(winspec, sizeof winspec, "-dx %d -dy %d", 800, 800); if(newwindow(winspec) < 0) sysfatal("newwindow: %r"); if(initdraw(nil, nil, "tinyrend") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); if(memimageinit() != 0) sysfatal("memimageinit: %r"); if((mc = initmouse(nil, screen)) == nil) sysfatal("initmouse: %r"); if((kc = initkeyboard(nil)) == nil) sysfatal("initkeyboard: %r"); fb = eallocmemimage(rectsubpt(screen->r, screen->r.min), screen->chan); zbuf = emalloc(Dx(fb->r)*Dy(fb->r)*sizeof(double)); memset(zbuf, ~0, Dx(fb->r)*Dy(fb->r)*sizeof(double)); red = rgb(DRed); green = rgb(DGreen); blue = rgb(DBlue); if(mdlpath != nil && (model = objparse(mdlpath)) == nil) sysfatal("objparse: %r"); if(texpath != nil && (modeltex = readtga(texpath)) == nil) sysfatal("readtga: %r"); render(); drawc = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1); display->locking = 1; unlockdisplay(display); nbsend(drawc, nil); for(;;){ enum { MOUSE, RESIZE, KEYBOARD, DRAW }; Alt a[] = { {mc->c, &mc->Mouse, CHANRCV}, {mc->resizec, nil, CHANRCV}, {kc->c, &r, CHANRCV}, {drawc, nil, CHANRCV}, {nil, nil, CHANEND} }; switch(alt(a)){ case MOUSE: mouse(mc, kc); break; case RESIZE: resized(); break; case KEYBOARD: key(r); break; case DRAW: redraw(); break; } } } void resized(void) { lockdisplay(display); if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("couldn't resize"); unlockdisplay(display); nbsend(drawc, nil); }