path: root/debug
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debug')
2 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debug/mkfile b/debug/mkfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d525e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/mkfile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ plmon\
+ ../alloc.$O\
+ rm -f $BIN/^$TARG
diff --git a/debug/plmon.c b/debug/plmon.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eeaa30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/plmon.c
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <mouse.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include <geometry.h>
+enum {
+ Graphoff = 40,
+ Slotht = 10,
+enum {
+ CMain,
+ CBack,
+ CTdelim,
+ CSelect,
+typedef struct Slot Slot;
+typedef struct Task Task;
+typedef struct Schedule Schedule;
+struct Slot
+ uvlong t0, t1;
+struct Task
+ char *name;
+ Slot *times;
+ ulong ntime;
+struct Schedule
+ Task *tasks;
+ ulong ntask;
+Rectangle UR = {0,0,1,1};
+Image *pal[NCOLOR];
+RFrame graphrf;
+Schedule sched;
+int scale;
+Slot *curts;
+Channel *drawc;
+char *units[] = { "ns", "µs", "ms", "s" };
+double mag;
+int Δx;
+void redraw(void);
+static Image*
+eallocimage(Display *d, Rectangle r, ulong chan, int repl, ulong col)
+ Image *i;
+ i = allocimage(d, r, chan, repl, col);
+ if(i == nil)
+ sysfatal("allocimage: %r");
+ return i;
+static void
+addt(char *n, Slot s)
+ Task *t;
+ int i;
+ t = nil;
+ for(i = 0; i < sched.ntask; i++)
+ if(strcmp(n, sched.tasks[i].name) == 0){
+ t = &sched.tasks[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ if(t == nil){
+ sched.tasks = realloc(sched.tasks, ++sched.ntask*sizeof(*sched.tasks));
+ t = &sched.tasks[sched.ntask-1];
+ memset(t, 0, sizeof *t);
+ t->name = strdup(n);
+ }
+ t->times = realloc(t->times, ++t->ntime*sizeof(*t->times));
+ t->times[t->ntime-1] = s;
+static void
+consume(Biobuf *bin)
+ Slot s;
+ char *line, *f[3];
+ int nf;
+ while((line = Brdline(bin, '\n')) != nil){
+ line[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0;
+ nf = tokenize(line, f, 3);
+ if(nf != 3)
+ continue;
+ s.t0 = strtoull(f[1], nil, 10);
+ s.t1 = strtoull(f[2], nil, 10);
+ if(s.t0 >= s.t1)
+ continue;
+ addt(f[0], s);
+ }
+ Bterm(bin);
+static void
+ Task *t;
+ Slot *s;
+ for(t = sched.tasks; t && t < sched.tasks + sched.ntask; t++)
+ for(s = t->times; s < t->times + t->ntime; s++)
+ print("%s\t%llud\t%llud\n", t->name, s->t0, s->t1);
+static void
+ pal[CMain] = display->black;
+ pal[CBack] = display->white;
+ pal[CTdelim] = eallocimage(display, UR, screen->chan, 1, 0xEEEEEEFF);
+ pal[CSelect] = eallocimage(display, Rect(0,0,2,2), screen->chan, 1, DWhite);
+ draw(pal[CSelect], UR, display->black, nil, ZP);
+ draw(pal[CSelect], rectaddpt(UR, Pt(1,1)), display->black, nil, ZP);
+lmb(Mousectl *mc)
+ Task *t;
+ Slot *s;
+ Rectangle r;
+ Point2 p;
+ int dy;
+ dy = (Dy(screen->r) - font->height)/sched.ntask;
+ for(t = sched.tasks; t < sched.tasks+sched.ntask; t++){
+ graphrf.p.y = (t - sched.tasks)*dy+dy;
+ for(s = t->times; s < t->times+t->ntime; s++){
+ p = invrframexform(Pt2(s->t0,0,1), graphrf);
+ r.min = Pt(p.x,p.y-Slotht);
+ p = invrframexform(Pt2(s->t1,0,1), graphrf);
+ r.max = Pt(p.x+1,p.y);
+ if(r.min.x < Graphoff)
+ r.min.x = Graphoff;
+ if(ptinrect(subpt(mc->xy, screen->r.min), r)){
+ curts = s;
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mmb(Mousectl *mc)
+ enum {
+ };
+ static char *items[] = {
+ [QUIT] "quit",
+ nil,
+ };
+ static Menu menu = { .item = items };
+ switch(menuhit(2, mc, &menu, _screen)){
+ case QUIT:
+ threadexitsall(nil);
+ }
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+rmb(Mousectl *mc)
+ Mouse m;
+ for(;;){
+ m = mc->Mouse;
+ if(readmouse(mc) < 0)
+ break;
+ if((mc->buttons & 7) != 4)
+ break;
+ graphrf.p.x += mc->xy.x - m.xy.x;
+ if(graphrf.p.x > Graphoff)
+ graphrf.p.x = Graphoff;
+ redraw();
+ }
+ Point2 op;
+ if(scale == 1)
+ return;
+ op = rframexform(Pt2(Graphoff,0,1), graphrf);
+ graphrf.bx.x = pow10(++scale);
+ op = invrframexform(op, graphrf);
+ graphrf.p.x -= op.x-Graphoff;
+ mag = pow10(abs(scale)%3);
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+ Point2 op;
+ if(abs(scale) == 3*(nelem(units)-1))
+ return;
+ else if(scale == 1)
+ scale = 0;
+ op = rframexform(Pt2(Graphoff,0,1), graphrf);
+ graphrf.bx.x = pow10(--scale);
+ op = invrframexform(op, graphrf);
+ graphrf.p.x -= op.x-Graphoff;
+ mag = pow10(abs(scale)%3);
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+mouse(Mousectl *mc)
+ if(mc->buttons & 1)
+ lmb(mc);
+ if(mc->buttons & 2)
+ mmb(mc);
+ if(mc->buttons & 4)
+ rmb(mc);
+ if(mc->buttons & 8)
+ zoomin();
+ if(mc->buttons & 16)
+ zoomout();
+ lockdisplay(display);
+ if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0)
+ sysfatal("resize failed");
+ unlockdisplay(display);
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+key(Rune r)
+ switch(r){
+ case Kdel:
+ case 'q':
+ threadexitsall(nil);
+ case Kleft:
+ graphrf.p.x -= 10;
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+ break;
+ case Kright:
+ graphrf.p.x += 10;
+ if(graphrf.p.x > Graphoff)
+ graphrf.p.x = Graphoff;
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+ break;
+ }
+ Rectangle r;
+ Slot *s;
+ Point2 p;
+ char info[128];
+ int i, dy, yoff, xoff;
+ lockdisplay(display);
+ draw(screen, screen->r, pal[CBack], nil, ZP);
+ /* time axis (horizontal) */
+ xoff = fmod(graphrf.p.x, Δx);
+ for(i = xoff; i < Dx(screen->r); i += Δx){
+ if(i < Graphoff)
+ continue;
+ line(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(i,Graphoff/2)), addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(i,Graphoff)), 0, 0, 0, pal[CMain], ZP);
+ line(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(i,Graphoff)), Pt(screen->r.min.x+i,screen->r.max.y), 0, 0, 0, pal[CTdelim], ZP);
+ p = rframexform(Pt2(i,0,1), graphrf);
+ snprint(info, sizeof info, "%.0f", p.x*mag*pow10(scale));
+ string(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(i+2,Graphoff/2-2)), pal[CMain], ZP, font, info);
+ }
+// snprint(info, sizeof info, "t(%s) %.0f/px", units[abs(scale)/3], mag);
+ snprint(info, sizeof info, "t(%s)", units[abs(scale)/3]);
+ if(curts != nil)
+ snprint(info+strlen(info), sizeof(info)-strlen(info), " t0 %.2f t1 %.2f Δt %.2f", curts->t0*pow10(scale-(scale%3)), curts->t1*pow10(scale-(scale%3)), (curts->t1 - curts->t0)*pow10(scale-(scale%3)));
+ string(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Graphoff+2,0)), pal[CMain], ZP, font, info);
+ line(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(0, Graphoff)), addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Dx(screen->r), Graphoff)), 0, 0, 0, pal[CMain], ZP);
+ /* tasks axis (vertical) */
+ dy = (Dy(screen->r) - font->height)/sched.ntask;
+ for(i = 0; i < sched.ntask; i++){
+ yoff = i*dy+dy;
+ string(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Graphoff/2,yoff)), pal[CMain], ZP, font, sched.tasks[i].name);
+ line(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Graphoff/2,yoff+font->height)), addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Graphoff,yoff+font->height)), 0, 0, 0, pal[CMain], ZP);
+ graphrf.p.y = yoff;
+ for(s = sched.tasks[i].times; s < sched.tasks[i].times + sched.tasks[i].ntime; s++){
+ p = invrframexform(Pt2(s->t0,0,1), graphrf);
+ if(p.x > Dx(screen->r))
+ break;
+ r.min = Pt(p.x,p.y-Slotht);
+ p = invrframexform(Pt2(s->t1,0,1), graphrf);
+ if(p.x < Graphoff)
+ continue;
+ r.max = Pt(p.x+1,p.y);
+ if(r.min.x < Graphoff)
+ r.min.x = Graphoff;
+ draw(screen, rectaddpt(r, screen->r.min), s == curts? pal[CSelect]: pal[CMain], nil, ZP);
+ }
+ }
+ line(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Graphoff, 0)), addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Graphoff, Dy(screen->r))), 0, 0, 0, pal[CMain], ZP);
+ flushimage(display, 1);
+ unlockdisplay(display);
+ fprint(2, "usage: %s [file ...]\n", argv0);
+ exits("usage");
+threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Mousectl *mc;
+ Keyboardctl *kc;
+ Biobuf *bin;
+ Rune r;
+ int i;
+ default: usage();
+ if(argc < 1){
+ bin = Bfdopen(0, OREAD);
+ if(bin == nil)
+ sysfatal("Bfdopen: %r");
+ consume(bin);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < argc; i++){
+ bin = Bopen(argv[i], OREAD);
+ if(bin == nil)
+ sysfatal("Bopen: %r");
+ consume(bin);
+ }
+ if(sched.ntask < 1)
+ sysfatal("no tasks found");
+ print("loaded %lud tasks:\n", sched.ntask);
+ for(i = 0; i < sched.ntask; i++)
+ print("\t%s with %lud times\n", sched.tasks[i].name, sched.tasks[i].ntime);
+ if(initdraw(nil, nil, "plmon") < 0)
+ sysfatal("initdraw: %r");
+ if((kc = initkeyboard(nil)) == nil)
+ sysfatal("initkeyboard: %r");
+ if((mc = initmouse(nil, screen)) == nil)
+ sysfatal("initmouse: %r");
+ initcolors();
+ scale = -3; /* µs */
+ graphrf.p = Pt2(Graphoff,Graphoff,1);
+ graphrf.bx = Vec2(pow10(scale),0);
+ = Vec2(0,1);
+ Δx = 100;
+ mag = pow10(abs(scale)%3);
+ drawc = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1);
+ display->locking = 1;
+ unlockdisplay(display);
+ nbsend(drawc, nil);
+ enum { MOUSE, RESIZE, KEY, DRAW };
+ Alt a[] = {
+ {mc->c, &mc->Mouse, CHANRCV},
+ {mc->resizec, nil, CHANRCV},
+ {kc->c, &r, CHANRCV},
+ {drawc, nil, CHANRCV},
+ {nil, nil, CHANEND},
+ };
+ for(;;)
+ switch(alt(a)){
+ case MOUSE: mouse(mc); break;
+ case RESIZE: resized(); break;
+ case KEY: key(r); break;
+ case DRAW: redraw(); break;
+ }