path: root/btsd.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'btsd.c')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/btsd.c b/btsd.c
index 6b675fd..26887d0 100644
--- a/btsd.c
+++ b/btsd.c
@@ -55,15 +55,26 @@ netrecvthread(void *arg)
Chanpipe *cp;
Ioproc *io;
- char buf[256];
- int n;
+ char buf[256], *s, *e;
+ int n, tot;
cp = arg;
io = ioproc();
- while((n = ioread(io, cp->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) > 0){
- buf[n] = 0;
- chanprint(cp->c, "%s", buf);
+ tot = 0;
+ while((n = ioread(io, cp->fd, buf+tot, sizeof(buf)-1-tot)) > 0){
+ tot += n;
+ buf[tot] = 0;
+ s = buf;
+ while((e = strchr(s, '\n')) != nil){
+ *e++ = 0;
+ chanprint(cp->c, "%s", s);
+ tot -= e-s;
+ memmove(buf, e, tot);
+ s = e;
+ }
+ if(tot >= sizeof(buf)-1)
+ tot = 0;
fprint(2, "[%d] lost connection\n", getpid());
@@ -76,17 +87,23 @@ void
serveproc(void *arg)
NetConnInfo *nci[2];
- Player **m;
+ Match *m;
+ Player *p, *op;
Chanpipe cp[2];
Alt a[3];
- int i, n0, tid[2];
+ int i;
+ uint n0;
char *s;
+ Point2 cell;
+ char *coords[5];
+ int j, orient;
m = arg;
s = nil;
- nci[0] = getnetconninfo(nil, m[0]->fd);
- nci[1] = getnetconninfo(nil, m[1]->fd);
+ nci[0] = getnetconninfo(nil, m->pl[0]->fd);
+ nci[1] = getnetconninfo(nil, m->pl[1]->fd);
if(nci[0] == nil || nci[1] == nil)
sysfatal("getnetconninfo: %r");
threadsetname("serveproc %s ↔ %s", nci[0]->raddr, nci[1]->raddr);
@@ -94,42 +111,81 @@ serveproc(void *arg)
cp[0].c = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 1);
- cp[0].fd = m[0]->fd;
+ cp[0].fd = m->pl[0]->fd;
cp[1].c = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 1);
- cp[1].fd = m[1]->fd;
+ cp[1].fd = m->pl[1]->fd;
a[0].c = cp[0].c; a[0].v = &s; a[0].op = CHANRCV;
a[1].c = cp[1].c; a[1].v = &s; a[1].op = CHANRCV;
a[2].op = CHANEND;
- tid[0] = threadcreate(netrecvthread, &cp[0], mainstacksize);
- tid[1] = threadcreate(netrecvthread, &cp[1], mainstacksize);
+ threadcreate(netrecvthread, &cp[0], mainstacksize);
+ threadcreate(netrecvthread, &cp[1], mainstacksize);
- assert(m[0]->state == Waiting0 && m[1]->state == Waiting0);
- write(m[0]->fd, "layout", 6);
- write(m[1]->fd, "layout", 6);
- m[0]->state = Outlaying;
- m[1]->state = Outlaying;
+ write(m->pl[0]->fd, "layout\n", 7);
+ write(m->pl[1]->fd, "layout\n", 7);
+ m->pl[0]->state = Outlaying;
+ m->pl[1]->state = Outlaying;
while((i = alt(a)) >= 0){
+ p = m->pl[i];
+ op = m->pl[i^1];
if(a[i].err != nil){
fprint(2, "[%d] alt: %s\n", getpid(), a[i].err);
- write(m[i^1]->fd, "win", 3);
- m[i^1]->state = Waiting0;
- pushplayer(m[i^1]);
- freeplayer(m[i]);
+ write(op->fd, "win\n", 4);
+ pushplayer(op);
+ freeplayer(p);
fprint(2, "[%d] said '%s'\n", i, s);
- if(write(m[i^1]->fd, s, strlen(s)) != strlen(s)){
- write(m[i]->fd, "win", 3);
- m[i]->state = Waiting0;
- pushplayer(m[i]);
- freeplayer(m[i^1]);
- free(s);
+ switch(p->state){
+ case Outlaying:
+ if(strncmp(s, "layout", 6) == 0)
+ if(gettokens(s+7, coords, nelem(coords), ",") == nelem(coords)){
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(2, "rcvd layout from %d\n", i);
+ for(j = 0; j < nelem(coords); j++){
+ cell = coords2cell(coords[j]);
+ orient = coords[j][strlen(coords[j])-2] == 'h'? OH: OV;
+ settiles(p, cell, orient, shiplen(j), Tship);
+ }
+ p->state = Waiting;
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(2, "curstates [%d] %d / [%d] %d\n", i, p->state, i^1, op->state);
+ if(op->state == Waiting){
+ n0 = truerand();
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(2, "let the game begin: %d plays, %d waits\n", n0%2, (n0+1)%2);
+ write(m->pl[n0%2]->fd, "play\n", 5);
+ m->pl[n0%2]->state = Playing;
+ write(m->pl[(n0+1)%2]->fd, "wait\n", 5);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Playing:
+ if(strncmp(s, "shoot", 5) == 0){
+ cell = coords2cell(s+6);
+ if(gettile(op, cell) == Tship){
+ settile(op, cell, Thit);
+ write(p->fd, "hit\n", 4);
+ fprint(op->fd, "hit %s\n", cell2coords(cell));
+ }else{
+ settile(op, cell, Tmiss);
+ write(p->fd, "miss\n", 5);
+ fprint(op->fd, "miss %s\n", cell2coords(cell));
+ }
+ write(p->fd, "wait\n", 5);
+ write(op->fd, "play\n", 5);
+ p->state = Waiting;
+ op->state = Playing;
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(2, "%d waits, %d plays\n", i, i^1);
+ }
@@ -175,7 +231,7 @@ reaper(void *)
matchmaker(void *)
- Player **match;
+ Match *m;
@@ -185,11 +241,15 @@ matchmaker(void *)
- match = emalloc(2*sizeof(Player*));
- match[0] = popplayer();
- match[1] = popplayer();
+ m = emalloc(sizeof *m);
+ m->pl[0] = popplayer();
+ m->pl[1] = popplayer();
+ m->pl[0]->state = Waiting0;
+ m->pl[1]->state = Waiting0;
+ memset(m->pl[0]->map, Twater, MAPW*MAPH);
+ memset(m->pl[1]->map, Twater, MAPW*MAPH);
- proccreate(serveproc, match, mainstacksize);
+ proccreate(serveproc, m, mainstacksize);
@@ -243,6 +303,7 @@ threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
char *addr;
+ GEOMfmtinstall();
addr = "tcp!*!3047";
case 'd':