path: root/main.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* add birds sound and Ness sprite sheet.rodri2021-03-141-0/+4
* port rxi's cmixer and play with it. avoid blocking on mouse user input.rodri2021-03-131-2/+44
* bring nanosec().rodri2021-03-121-2/+2
* implemented fixed-time dynamics stepper, animated sprites and cleaned things up.rodri2021-03-121-98/+46
* refactor statistics code to make it more general purpose.rodri2021-03-081-8/+3
* enable reset of the entire simulation.rodri2021-03-081-8/+12
* name things correctly.rodri2021-03-081-4/+4
* implemented three integrators and a simple time stepping model.rodri2021-03-061-0/+285